When God verbally revealed Himself to Peter, John, and James on the Mount of Transfiguration, there was an urgency to His words.  As the disciples had left their livelihood to follow Jesus, they evidenced a real lack of understanding when it came to the working of faith.  Much of their response to Jesus’ directions was shrouded by their own minds.    When Jesus was refused housing in a Samaritan village, James and John asked Jesus if they should call down fire from heaven to consume those rejecters.  Jesus rebuked them for not knowing what manner of spirit they were of. (Luke 9:54-55)   When Peter rebuked Jesus for saying the cross awaited Him, Jesus countered by telling him that his mind was not on the things of God, but on man’s desire. (Mt. 8:33)  There were other times Jesus shared about His crucifixion but the disciples used the opportunity to debate among themselves who was the greatest. (Mark 9:34, Luke 22:24) There are many other illustrations that show the lack of the Disciples understanding.  What transpired on the Mount of Transfiguration was God saying enough is enough.  They needed to start hearing what Jesus was saying.  Hear is the word that means to give audience and to understand.  Jesus’ ministry was quickly moving toward the Cross and time was of an essence. The Disciples needed to “grow up” and start maturing.

The next day the four of them descended from the mountain and encountered a large crowd that was confronting His disciples.  A father had asked the Disciples to cast out an evil spirit from his son, but they had failed.  Jesus, looking over the crowd and especially His Disciples, made a statement that should have shocked the Disciples.  He simply said, “O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you?  How long shall I suffer you?” (Matthew 17:17)  Jesus was saying that after all those months their faith was almost non-existent.  He simply wondered how long He would have to put up with their unbelief. (Matthew 17:20)  Jesus was not addressing the seeking father, who had not had the opportunity to fellowship with Jesus, but the Disciples, who needed to understand His authority.

If there ever is a time that God needs to speak to His disciples, it is now.  We need to hear Him say, “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, HEAR HIM.”  How much do we understand about the Kingdom of which we are a part?  Are we recognizing how God is working in the different situations in the kingdoms of this world?  Do we doubt who Jesus is when we feel the waves are too high or the wind too strong?  Do we understand what spirit we are of?  Do we understand the difference between our desires and His?  When someone needs a touch from the Lord, do we have the faith to respond as God directs?

If the disciples today will learn to hear what Jesus truly said and is saying we will truly see the Kingdom of God displayed in power and might!  Jesus said again and again, “He that has ears to hear, let him hear.”  Do we have hearing ears?

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